Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 1

Blog Schedule

Tone Up Tuesday
Recipe Wednesday
Thirsty Thursday
Food Lab Friday

After this week, I'm finally starting the Tone It Up Nutrition Plan (I LOVE the TIU Girls!!) They are an amazing duo - so inspiring!

I'm currently finishing up my home gym and just have a few more small pieces of equipment to buy.
The TIU girls have a lot of free workouts on their blog & a new dvd for sale called "Beach Babe Workout" - That will be on my Christmas list this year!

I also wanted to try following Dr.Fuhrman's 7 Day Crash Diet (as seen on Dr.Oz) Anyone tried it?

(I will be adding a full week's worth of blogs i.e. the dates won't match the day of the week)

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